The Experience
Why we are here.
Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s just outside of New Orleans, Louisiana – a sense of fashion develops in every little girl. It was a fusion of Southern inspired dresses with the casualness one could expect within the “Big Easy”. Blouses were accompanied by scarves and gave contrast to boots that stretched to the knee. Tops were bright and vibrant, boasting design of French flair and Creole undertones. The music of the city echoed in the way we dressed, shared experiences and above all loved.
I attended a private school that shared the standard uniform of white shirts and plaid skirts. We dressed alike. Our personalities were all that defined us. I longed for simple choice.
After college and the events of 9/11, I joined the United States Air Force. My father was a Marine and this service honored our country and my family’s values. I completed training near home and was stationed in Ramstein, Germany. It afforded me the opportunity to travel to 21 countries. At year three I deployed for seven months to Afghanistan. My wardrobe consisted of a few shades of fatigues. While honorable, they lacked the individualism expression I craved.
The experiences at home and abroad have, for me, been directly connected to a specific sense of fashion. I loved these experiences.
This collection is a reflection of the styles that inspired me. I hope too, that you will Love Everything You Experience.
All the best,
Founder –
LEUX Boutique LLC